Friday, February 18, 2011

Lord, Grant me the Serenity accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference...

Bear with me, the internet connection is not the best, I will hope to post a few pictures this time around. These past few days have been packed...Two days this week we walked around the village..sometimes, long meet with the members of the group. Currently, there are 65 "grannies" and approximately 170 grandchildren involved. I developed a questionnaire to learn more about the women to make a better assessment of their lifestyle and backgrounds. Henry and James, two of the co-founders have so many ideas...but we must take it one step at a time...slowly but is important first to see the world how it is not how we want it to be...this is where we will start. We also spent an afternoon with the women while they attended to their crafts. I helped make a few necklaces and learned the ropes on how the beads are made...we will meet every Wednesday to work with them. Today is election day so we did not walk around the villages, everything so far has gone well for the polls; they are starting to tally and count the votes...hopefully it will continue peacefully. Tomorrow I believe Henry is taking me to the Source of the Nile, I hear it is beautiful...
please feel free to ask questions and comment...
I love you all and hold you close to my heart.
Please continue to pray!
Anne Therese
or as they say: Anna Tereza


  1. My Dearest Anne Therese, It is so good to hear from you...there is wisdom to learn about "this side" and how they see themselves...only then can you begin to help. I am interested to read the results of your research...and even more so to know your thoughts on all that you see and experience on your journey. Write them down daily and keep them. Know that prayers are always with you and with those all around you. Love to you, Dad. PS: This day was a beautiful spring day here in Irvington.

  2. You are in our daily prayers as you become more familiar with such a different lifestyle. Be sure to enjoy each moment, and accept the challenges you encounter with Grace. I look forward to each update!
