“Tereza, you first come…”
Yesterday Kaaja Henry, Aiida, and I headed to our weekly Ntinkalu visit which resulted in an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction, happiness, and pride. There were over 35 women present diligently working on their crafts and discussing various issues.
Watching these women meticulously work on these crafts: table mats, floor mats, baskets, hand purses, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings I could sincerely see the fire in their eyes that is becoming increasingly brighter. I have noticed that as time goes along, the women seem to feel more confident, self-satisfied, and proud of the work that they are accomplishing individually and as a group.
For those of you who are not aware I will be heading to the US for nearly 4 weeks during the month of September…so the reason for this welcomed pressure results in the fact that I have asked them to produce as many crafts as they can so I will be able to carry them back to the US to sell. The women were beyond alert, asking questions, showing me their success in how many they have made thus far…ah, the environment was itching with the desire to create.
As the women continued to work they were also holding their weekly meeting discussing other events that are happening in the Community. This past Saturday St. Francis Health Care Centre donated 4 goats to our group and it turns out two of the four are pregnant! Now, St. Francis (who is not directly partnered with Lazarus Community…at least not yet, as I like to say) has donated 6 pigs and 4 goats. As I was talking with the women yesterday I said…and look at us, our group is growing with new members…oh how the women cheered! They then said….”and Tereza, you have been here nearly 6 months…you are truly becoming a resident of Ntinkalu!!!” Ah, I tell you, I could not have been more flattered.
One of the main topics discussed was who would take turns caring for the goats daily…as we have around 25 Muslims in our group, they are not keen on looking after the pigs so after much debate and expressed opinions, the group decided those who were not taking turns looking after these pigs, would be responsible for taking care of the goats. They also discussed constructing a very simple shelter for these goats until we have enough funding and our own land to build a more stable infrastructure.
Another subject deliberated regarded their loan development scheme. They presented to Kaaja Henry (one of the founders) and me their constitution: “The Constitution of Ntinkalu Jaaja’s Loan Development Scheme NJLDS, 2011” One of the mobilizers, my namesake Tereza actually went to pick up the Constitution from a locked space where they keep special documents…and you should have seen her smiling face when she handed it over! I was beyond impressed.
The proud feeling did not stop there…last week I had asked if a few of the women would feel comfortable writing a short biography of themselves in order to better tell their own stories. I told them that even when I could try my best to tell their positions in life, they themselves could do it much better than I. About an hour or so into our visit, the Chairperson was handed several papers at once…and slowly slowly (mpola mpola) all were collected and handed over to me…38 of the women had written on small notebook papers the information in which they are willing to share with the rest of the world…I was beyond honored that so many had taken the time to write these letters. Ninety-eight percent of these letters were written in Lusoga, so as I will need help translating, I will also be brushing up on my Lusoga speaking skills! You may find some of these letters both in Lusoga and English on our website once it is up and running!
As if this wasn’t enough, they told me they have selected a Loan Committee and a Garden Management Committee…so as I was taking pictures of these proud women, we decided to take a couple of group photos. “Tereza, you first come, we want you in the middle so we can surround you with our love and blessings”…ah, the smiles that were present were sincerely priceless.
It is challenging for me to put into words how Blessed I feel…how far we have come as a group, the potential we have to expand, and the strength that is renewed to keep pushing forward…My heart is truly filled with comfort, bursting with joy, and overcome with pure honor to be part of such a dedicated group of women. These women, more than they have come to realize, have inspired me, motivated me, and helped me to realize with full certainty that the rhythm of my heart is and will always be one with theirs.
I pray that each of you finds such comfort in the various fields in which you are working.
Thank you for your continued interest and support in Lazarus Community!
Much Love,
Anne Therese
Floor mat mid-process